It's time to write again, something big and long. Prepare. So today we'll talk about how to make a small but profitable business. Just specify that I mean the so-called 'small ' business and income at good wages. T. e. 100 150tys. rubles you can earn, and after that it will be necessary to think about the second or the scaling of current business, for example through territorial expansion, or an umbrella brand. But the latter does not fit into the scope of this article, especially as you scale up will be at least three years.
Three years - it is just the same period, after which your business or finally dies, or ceases to kolbasit. Of course, you can start earning profits from the first month, but getting her stable - a challenge of another order. And on average, to the stability of virtually all known businesses in the category ' small ' came about in 2-3 years. So in advance will have a lot of patience and perseverance. And now the points.
How do you determine whether you are ready to start a business. One desire is not enough. The simplest test for a business that I offer to go to all who come to me for advice, that answer the question: 'How and what I live for six months if the business will not have a profit? '. Question number two: ... And the third: ... e. will be unprofitable? '. How are you with the answers? . As an answer ' yes' to ride options such as ' I have another steady income ', ' mom and dad to feed '.
Reasonable question, why do we talk about the loss of business? . Well, let's look at live examples: Facebook has been unprofitable for five years, grupon unprofitable so far and will likely remain as such. In a small business during the development of shorter, but still have a few months, and sometimes a year or two, when revenues are not the ones that were on a napkin in a cafe where all invent. Simply put, we must not build a business from the best calculations, and the worst fears. Think about the best, prepare for the worst.
Start-up capital. Even in the simplest niche to start, need money. My first capital was 50% of the Dormitory, which I owned with my brother. We each brought to the family, I had to share an apartment. In the end, after the sale, I was a modest amount of 230tys. rubles, which I had invested in the business. Now I prefer to invest in a business loan money or reinvest profits. Sometimes I practice the trade credit or a loan from his own company. When you're already behaving business, ability to attract capital increase. At the start is always difficult. But there is even some possibility of a student.
State support. Our favorite state continues to sponsor a business start-. Funding is through the centers of employment. Without going into details of the procedures for 58,800 rubles, I can say that you need to gain strength and come to the center of employment in the community and find out conditions for obtaining grants for the organization of business. Do not rush immediately to register. Just find the conditions it is likely that you'll immediately under them do not come. In this case you should either bring their personal affairs in compliance with the requirements of obtaining grants. Or find a relative who is suitable for the organization and in accordance with IP LLC or its name. Next you download from the Internet business plan, apply, and do parallel PI Organization or LLC. At the end of the year you will need to submit a paper on the development of. But there is not anything serious. If you are not completely head thinks, search the Internet for those who have already received a grant.
loans. Today they are given to all. Even an unemployed student can get a credit card for 30 thousand rubles. Loans are basically of two types: in cash on hand and credit card. Recently I prefer the latter option. Cash loan, usually for less. But it can not take back. And with the credit card you can withdraw money almost as soon as you put them there.
Another important negative credit cards - cash interest for the removal. Want to save, use credit cards for payment through POS. This will provide interest-free period, and in 50-60 days, and the lack of interest for the removal of money. For example, so you can pay the cost of office supplies, computer equipment to buy. But to pay salaries or lease does not get. On the cash advance is not interest-free period and the fee for removal varies from 2 to 5%.
To obtain a loan in the amount of 30 to 60tys. rubles, as a rule, does not require any reference - just a passport and a second document. Another thing is that these loans are relatively expensive. And the worst thing, the credit should be returned. Worse yet, it is necessary to return, with interest. So when calculating the business plan will need to consider how much money you're using - your credit or. Lending money to slow down growth and prolong the return on investment.
When you need an amount of 200-300 thousand rubles, the loan can be prefabricated, for example, to issue multiple credit cards and consumer in the 60-100 thousand rubles. The main thing here - to understand how this is all you'll return. At one time I personally had a month to close as many as five loans, three credit cards and two consumer. It is very inconvenient.
Relatives and friends. In theory, you may be lucky enough to persuade someone of the inner circle of the fact that he helped financially or designed for a loan. On the other hand, rarely anyone in the cabinet is ten thousand dollars. A variant - to take credit for himself, is also considered very carefully, even parents. I personally have always shunned by relatives. If you give yourself free - take it, but the request or borrow - it's never.
Less work as well as loans from relatives about the same, they feel that they need you now on the coffin of life. So taking the money, you can not help yourself up for moral bondage: to refuse vskopke garden or whitewashed ceiling is now very difficult to. So I personally prefer bondage material in banks than moral in relatives.
Familiar with the other traditional school of. It is necessary to deviate from their commitments, and your personal relationships will undergo a great change. And everyone around will know what you're bad and threw. Even if the delay will be a week, and utterly ridiculous amount of delay. There is a moment that it is harder to be disciplined to return to relatives or friends. And as you return to the bank units, and family friends, the whole amount at once, that in a growing business is often quite difficult: the hands are rarely serious amount of. Back on the same piece is perceived as a ' well, what you wear on the penny, come at the end of all ' - but in the end of the period, as a rule, such money will not be.
But all these disadvantages is nothing compared to the opportunity to start. And if you are ready to endure all the cons, then forward - money does not smell, even if it is Tiffany's favorite stash.
Living with a turnover. Often a lot of money in the first months is not so necessary. It can afford to live with the traffic, if you have a regular cash flow. For example, some incredible focus you managed to get the incoming cash flow of 100 thousand rubles. Of these, your only 20 000 and 80 suppliers are. But you need to have 20,000 to buy aypad.
Then you say, a vendor that will pay next month. It is not to lose the client agrees. You take not 20, and 40 this month. The following month, you receive another 100,000, you pay the service provider and now a crank -like focus from supplier B, because you have a hole in the 20 thousand. last month. In the third month, again, do this trick with the A. Then, with B. And so on. So, you've got an interest-free loan for 20 thousand rubles for the almost eternal life.
Of course, this can not last forever. But if the flow maintains its value or increases, it can be a very long time to use this method. Moreover, slightly penetrating the essence of the life process of turnover, it is possible to bring the loan up to monthly turnover. I succeeded, however, at the peak of this process, the money in the account is not kept. As soon as something came from customers, both immediately went to suppliers, which I owe most of all.
I told you here that you and so do. But this will come to do when confronted with the fact that it is already under way, and money for additional costs available elsewhere. Or can not pay loans. Or a child is ill. Or want to holiday in Egypt. This is dangerous, but if the flow of orders is constant, then all will. Half of the companies not only in Russia but also in the world so live for years.
idea. Widespread myth that the business should go to the original idea. This is not so. T. e. cool, when you not only have a great idea, but money, and effort to develop it and pump. But if the task - to make money, not to hit mankind, the prerequisites for the business organization must be other.
The first. To simplify the transition to a profitable model, it makes sense to take the developed sector of the market and fill a niche in it demanded, in spite of competition. For example, a friend of mine took distribute animal feed. No one in the city drove, and he swung his site with Yandex. Direct and began to haul. Who needs a lot of feed, they are heavy, and the spectrum is not so great that there was a need to create online supermarket, enough of a simple site. Another friend sells stationery. They, too many who need, but it spoils the raspberries that few who need office supplies directly to 500-600 rubles, but the food in such amount is often taken. And here we come to the margin.
The second. Margin on your future business must be sufficient to give your business the maximum profit with minimum orders. In other words, the cost of maintenance orders should be much lower profits. Optimally - up to 30 %, 50% - already critical. If you are spending on the maintenance of order 800 rubles, and earn 1,000 - it is bad business. And if 2,000 rubles - this is a good. 3000 - superbiznes.
Such reasoning, for example, immediately cut off options for delivery in small towns, where the income from the order on average less than 300 rubles. In large cities, the figures may be even higher.
On the other hand, the margin on the sale of a construction crane, expensive cars or houses can be tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles, but sell more than one object in a month is very difficult, and one object, it happens that sell only once in 3-4 months. A friend of mine sold two insurance CASCO (gain 7500 rubles each ) through the site for 4 months - one in two months. This is not a business. Although labor - 1 hour for the insurance, plus 2-3 hours on a client job, material cost is not at all, except for advertising.
Sit down and count the cost of servicing a single order is not as difficult as it seems initially. Take the approximate number of planned orders in the month and profit from them, and then consider all costs, even the toilet paper. The optimum ratio of expenses to income, as a 1-to -3. If you have turned out not too frightening figures, consider labor costs in hours for a number of orders. It is advisable always to multiply your optimistic costs and expenses for two. Often it turns out that to obtain the required 30 orders have to spend more hours than there are in a day. T. e. I would like to have 30 orders for the execution of the business plan, but one you do not follow, and hiring will increase costs and will have to recalculate, which again will increase the number necessary for the profitability of orders.
The only nice thing - you can easily make such payments even before the doors open to your company.
The simplest version of the business - services. Service in Russia is still flawed in any direction, up to saturation of the services sector in any niche to be years. Next on the text, we consider the service sector such as creating websites and promoting them in your town ( for the sector B2B). And in the case of working with physical persons will be discussed in the article version of the dropshipping online store or warehouse with no hypothetical niche products, such as the sale of dog food. Although with the same success you will be able to replace the ' food ' to ' flowers ' or ' milk and meat from farmers '. Here everything depends on the possibility of establishing contacts with suppliers. Of course, you can apply given advice on any other business, albeit with some reservations.
In the case of a sale and promotion of basic site costs - it's not just your work, but the salary of employees ( hard to imagine that you do it yourself ), payment for services of various services, advertising. In the case of an online store in addition to advertising costs and logistics will form the bulk of the cost of paying suppliers: it is always difficult to accept that you have a large turnover and profits funny. For comparison, sales of our travel agency with his wife longer turn my web studio at 10 times earnings and almost the same.
Summarizing this paragraph:. it is best to take over the business sector, where there is sufficient buyers prepared to provide you the desired number of orders per month. The ability to assess the target audience will determine your success. The minimum target audience in the hundreds (or better - a thousand) times the number of customers you need in a month. The calculation here is simple - it's hard to imagine that you will be able to bring about his appearance on the market each and every one in the first month. Just as hard to imagine that your service at any given month is needed each and every one of the target audience, if you do not trade in grain, of course. Another simple suggestion - copy. Brazenly and shamelessly. If you can see that approximately the same conditions as for you, someone earns - copy. Time to come after the individual.
A lawyer and accountant. The organization or entity, FE. I'm not a do it yourself part of the accounting. I clearly am of the position that everyone should mind his own business, and accounting - it's not the money to try to do it yourself.
Organization PI or entity is a lawyer from the two thousand rubles in the regions up to 12 000 in Moscow. State fees range from a total of three thousand in the regions up to 8-12 thousand in Moscow. This is when your business is not subject to licensing. Fortunately, the production sites, as well as the trade does not require any license, except trade of alcohol, drugs and dangerous substances. In addition, in part, with regard to licenses and certificates of product quality, if you're not a manufacturer, then you shift the responsibility on the supplier. Not all of it so simple, but a lawyer you can easily explain it. The vast number of activities does not require any permits, in addition to receiving BIN and registration tax.
For the organization of IP requires a minimum set of documents and compliance. In fact, you give your lawyer only copy of your passport and a week later get a certificate of registration as an entrepreneur. For a company needs the charter, memorandum of association and the statutory fund. The first two on the machine prepares the attorney, the authorized capital is still small - 10,000 rubles, and it can make a property, though without any problems and make the same amount in cash to the bank account after the registration of the LLC. There are rumors that the minimum statutory fund wants to increase to 150-500 thousand rubles, but not yet done so, you can register with the fund of 10,000 rubles. Almost immediately after making the money you can spend it on something.
As for choice - or PI Ltd, a company legally less responsibility, you can enter multiple participants. In IE you can be the only one responsible for the debts of the company assets, but the accounting is easier to withdraw money easier, less restrictions on the conduct of activities. What to be held accountable, then I look at it this way: why do business, if you plan in advance not to pay the debts?.
After selecting the type of activity is necessary to choose a form of taxation. Their is three: the total (including VAT), uproschenke ( USN ) with a tax on income from uproschenke income tax. In small business taken to choose the simplified taxation system for easy accounting. Simplified taxation Cons: Not all costs can be attributed to some (usually large) companies prefer to work only with those contractors, who charge a fee with VAT.
The choice of simplified taxation rests on the business scheme. If you have a business intermediary, for example, an online store, the best version of simplified taxation on profits. Then you only pay 15% of the real profits or 1% of turnover, if the profit out of less than 1 % of turnover.
If you - the manufacturer, and in the case of sites - so, it is best for you USN income. Then you pay 6% of all money received from customers.
Actually work with a lawyer is as follows: found, explained the problem, gave the documents gave money to duty after receiving the documents paid for services. Additionally, pursuant to instructions of the President's one-day firms, you will need to go to the tax to show that you - a real person. But this is the only gesture that will do it myself.
We should also mention that in both cases from the tax base is a deduction for wages and taxes. More information will explain Accountant. Talking about it.
Always work with your accountant. Cost of services remotely accountant usually depends on the number of transactions ( payments, invoices ) - m. e. the amount of real work, ranging from 2-3 to 15 000 rubles. More expensive, I just have not seen. For example, my web studio with about 20-30 accounts per month service for 6000 rubles.
Actually work with an accountant is as follows: once a week you will pass it accounts for customers and the bank statement. There is an option, and simpler to do a client- bank private access to the accountant that he did not run for the extracts. For example, PSB has ceased to issue a print statement, everything is just an electron from the client-bank. At the end of the quarter, an accountant brings balance, brings the signature, and then it goes to the tax take. If you connect a system of accountability for delivery online, you can not go anywhere - a report from the 1C automatically goes to the tax.
Of course, all this can be done through the now popular case management system such as ' My job '. But I like working with people. If only because, in case of problems with the pension fund, social insurance or tax, there 'll not me, but my accountant. A small difference in price for this is my comfort.
If the activity is for the most part rough and IP LLC or used for cover or contracts with suppliers, you can hire an accountant only once a quarter for deposit accounts. Is it worth 100 rubles for a report of zero to 1,000 rubles for the preparation of the report and a non-zero or even running around the chain of command.
Try to choose an accountant is correct - on the recommendations. My first accountant three years later divorced and washed. In the end, I flew a few fines for late reporting hand dealt, as part of the documentation can not be restored, however, the statute of limitations has expired. I friend was doing business as an accountant, he flew again on tens of thousands of fines, and one of our joint venture, which it also led, still can not close because of the stocks in the financial statements. Also, do not think that the automatic system will eliminate the stocks - they are usually not obvious, but the basic fines for late delivery of some reports.
The accountant must remind you when to pass on the payroll of the report, a report on personal income tax for individual entrepreneurs and m. Dr.. There are some statements that should be available regardless of the quarterly reports. And it's better if you remember this is just an accountant.
Again Accountant - Guard your expenses if you work for USN. That he should design and explain how best to work with the cash and expenditure, and to simplify reporting, and receipt of the actual money on hand. Avtosistema not figure out how to reduce the tax base and the necessary amount of cash, and people - come up, or come up with someone to ask about it.
The bank and your bank account. Do not try to buy the cheap. Based on its ease of. Pomonitorte forums about the bank, which has a convenient client-bank. It is very important! . But PromSvyazBank has an excellent simple client written in Java, runs anywhere Java Toolkit installed. The customer an easy and simple, has many functions. I recommend.
Opening a bank account to date is from 0 to 3000 rubles. Account maintenance costs on average 500-1000 rubles per month. If a month there was no payment, no payments, the account maintenance fee will be charged.
On opening the account must notify all supervisors: tax, social insurance and pension fund, within five days after opening. The discovery usually takes 2-5 days and placed on the same lawyer who makes you register or FOREIGN LLC as part of its fees. Usually it is the same and notify the court ( or an accountant, if he has already appeared ). If not informed within five days, then you will be fine in 5000 rubles.
Immediately after opening the account serve to connect the bank- customer. Previously, it was worth the money, now the bank - client connects for free or for a minimal fee, and for his work is usually not charged anything - all in the account maintenance fee. Although, of course, there are banks, where they take money for every breath: it is usually, or where a very small fee for each item separately, or state-owned banks, which all do not care at all.
If you have an accountant, then immediately order two digital signature on the client-bank: a full and for the operator. The operator can start a payment order, but to carry out (send money) is not entitled to. In addition, the camera allows you to upload a signature statement, which will reduce your communication with your accountant to one visit per month. Additional sign in major banks free of charge for minor can not say anything - he does not work with them.
digression. Money on current accounts is not guaranteed by the state. So if a bank goes bankrupt, then you get nothing. More precisely, you stand in line for payment after the reorganization of the bank, but how it will end and that end up with - unknown. I once flew with a small local bank in Nizhny Novgorod, while his sanitized, we could not take any money, nor send, missed a tax payment. I know a case where organizations have flown a few million because of bankruptcy and were forced to suspend operations. Conclusion: The money should be based on the current account only to pay for current needs. How is that to optimize its operations - a question for you and your accountant. The ideal - a zero on the technical account. Then you are not afraid of any sudden fines or bank failure.
The second legal entity. For greater security of tenure of the time you need a second entity in the dormant. For example, I have the IP, LLC and two of its three Company furnished in a shared property. The activities carried out by the main organization, but the remaining legal entity leave room for maneuver. In the case of imposing any sanctions, but in Russia everything is possible, you can quickly transfer the activity to another legal entity or entrepreneur.
In large companies, multiple Ltd., Kroo, and IP are used to blur the total income tax in order to optimize. I doubt that in the next 3-5 years you will care about this issue. But here is a fine of an unjust tax on the pension fund or account - is easy to. And while you will run it to withdraw, clients can not pay you, because if you pay for, the money debited. They say that now, without notice, you do not cheat, even if funds are available, but it happens every. Once I paid the tax savings in the pension fund for two years immediately ahead ( for so long and then we wrote off ). I also have a whole portfolio write-downs on the curves of fines and taxes from friends when they are in fact predpoplachivali their taxes for months ahead, because to withdraw a penalty as a punishment, it is possible, but the return of his money in the account - is almost impossible.
With the technical origin of the account and a second organization, you get the opportunity to continue to work, just reorient the next payment to another company. Of course, at the start you such tricks are not necessary, but two years later to have a better alternate than not to have. Experience shows that as it may lead the activities will still be able to find shoals, if someone need it.
Fines, penalties and other checks. There are many myths associated with the fact that evil individuals from the tax just like that go and look, how would you write another fine. In fact, everything is much simpler and easier. Companies with low income (conditional to 5 million a year) almost did not check to see if it flies by other criteria.
Simply put, if you earn a little, pay taxes and abide by the unwritten requirements of the local tax office, no one touch you will not be. Fines will arise if, it is only your fault - for example, overdue delivery of the report. As part of doing business in 'small ' and especially the services of Russia simply has no equal. Basically you need to take only the quarterly reports and pay taxes once a month, so that no one you do not have pulled.
When I heard about some far-fetched claims and audits, it is only where there is property or property. T. e. when there is much to come and take away that, there are cases of misuse of supervisory relationships. But I confess that, even in words rarely encountered with this.
By the unwritten guidelines include a minimum for the region's wage, the minimum amount of tax on profits for USN most often serves as a hole for tax evasion. Another concern may be nervous during the registration office of the company in ant. Do not like it when the phone does not answer letters or return due to incorrectly specified address.
Council at all times - not sure about something, go to tax themselves, or send an accountant. For you put a certain Inspector that the tax that the PF does not smile and they write you a penalty. Most often they are happy to help in any problem. I have known cases and razrulivaniya problems have imposed a fine, and put the information on open account after 5 days. Inspectors are almost always willing to go to a meeting, if you're willing to come to him and make the face of the cat Shrek.
So with the formalities over, let's deal with how to find clients and earn their coin.
office. Office need not always, so you do not say. Demand in the office is when you have a regular place to meet. In all other cases, you can save on office.
Meetings can be taken to the client, if we're talking about the B2B sector. Client and very pleased if you come to his office. Meetings can be taken in a public place, but in the regions it is often perceived in a negative rather than a plus. In Moscow, St. Petersburg on the reviews are quite loyal, if you assign a meeting in a cafe. You can rent an office in half. Or rent a table. My friend rented a table at me for almost a year until he could afford an office in downtown. Another friend of mine - interior designer firm - holds regular meetings with the client in a furniture store where he rented a table. They sell a very expensive furniture looks very cool design company that is very important.
When there is a regular flow to you, the office needs. For example, you have something to sell and customers come to you to look at samples.
When you have many employees who need total control, the office needs. I know, for example, cases where the company has rented a flat programmers not to be distracted by problems in the home during. Bitrix famous for a long time worked in a studio apartment.
When you need to splurge for the sake of increasing the value of the order, you will not need an office, a nice expensive office in downtown. Just a room in an office is more harmful to an anthill, and no better than a cafe or apartment.
Office greatly increases the cost of doing business. This is not only rent but also charges for telephones, Internet access fees on its fares, cleaning fee, plate fee, the fee for a pillar at the entrance, additional expenses for food, transportation, time spent on it to get to the office that . When I had an office, then my costs ranged from 60 to 100 thousand rubles per month for three employees. When I moved out, it could reduce costs to just wages and taxes, as well as significantly reduced costs of communication.
Communications and technology. phone. Internet. Start with two phones. One - your personal. The second - with the city, service. Connecting a local number now available for all mobile operators. In Megafon landline number is 100 rubles a month, all other costs for a mobile.
Do not skimp on buying a nice room. Most likely, your number with you for a long time and think ' and then buy a nice ' false. For two or three years with your dialing srastetsya many people, and they will be difficult to switch to another number, and call forwarding - no way out and expensive. Find beauty in the city may issue, after sitting an hour with a list of available rooms. Then you do not pay more than usual connection. I - never paid my landline number webstudio in Kaliningrad (4012) 520-560. Room reservations for hotels in Kaliningrad ( 4012) 52-30-90, in St. Petersburg (812) 932-7770. I am sure that you are at a certain attention, not less lucky than me. If you 're not lucky, you can always buy the ' gold ' or ' silver ' number. The cost to them ranges from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles.
City Room ' grounding ' your business, making it responsible stereotypes about doing business. And since all of the first customers is nothing about you, except for the site and a telephone number is not known, it is desirable to conform to certain stereotypes.
These stereotypes also include the presence of a site and corporate Mile. Light approach to have an electron to the free e-mail server. A potential client does not know what your elektronke five years, and she - in fact your trade name. It's like a scorn to my blog, until starting to read it.
The domain is necessary to buy in the RU zone, or COM. Availability of the domain in another zone will be at the dictation of an e-mail client to stumble on the question ' dot ru? '. Save emotions and talk time, buy the RU. The very name of the domain should be selected without diphthongs ( combinations of letters, meaning one sound, such as H - CH, U - SCH, and so on ). It is best if the name is consistently perceived by ear. There is also a dangerous characters, such as K, which are constantly asking how to write, as C ( C ) or K ( kei ).
Buying a domain in the zone of the Russian Federation? . I do not recommend. Although, if only because to do email on its base it is impossible for today.
Hosting the site - here you can do it without my advice. It is important that the site was. And what is it - is not so important for the first time.
Internet - is also at your discretion, there is a caveat. If you rent an office, you'll need to use the rate for legal entities. It is much more expensive and usually limited in terms of traffic in favor of speed. I advise you to start with GSM-modem on the unlimited tariff, if there is no convenient commercial tariff. Thank God, this method of receiving communication works not only everywhere, but in recent years ensures a good performance than a couple of years ago. All the better to pay 500 rubles a month and does not limit itself in scope than 1,500 rubles, and to limit. But overall, everything here - at your discretion.
If you rent an office, then your software should be free or licensed. Standard set - vin7 office photoshop normally in this case is replaced by vin7 - openofis - Gimpo, thank God, the last Gimpo very much like Photoshop, but not as lame openofis as before. Option for the department to when they come, ' This is my personal laptop ' is not laminates: one is in office, is used for business.
stereotypes. This is poetry. Since no hard and fast rules in business is not. I 'm ten years of business in torn jeans, sneakers and T-shirts and no one ever told me anything. Of course, I see a snobbish attitude in large companies, but at last, where I was director of yourself walking in sweaters and jeans. So I 'm not sure that wearing the wrong costume -measure does not increase the price and quantity orders. Especially if you beat them you have nothing except the suit.
I also have an opinion that each contractor to his client. So some of us go to McDonalds and other restaurants Give. And in business, some are suspicious of costume, the other with disdain to the T-shirts. There are those who do not care as a representative of the contractor dressed.
I prefer to follow a few simple rules to conform to stereotypes that do not conflict with my personal principles. I have an expensive phone, I'm wearing expensive shoes. In this series, you can add more hours. Here, I have not yet decided on the name, but rest assured - buy. When you come for the first time to the customer, it is usually not a stupid man, if he could organize a company that is willing to pay for your work. And he knows the price of things. Moreover, it is like any other businessman, tolerant to personal cockroaches. So he will take what you have - in sneakers, but if it abibas, it is unlikely that he will appreciate it. But Adidas latest model - estimate. Details are important, but not the image of the whole.
This is my personal point of view. A practical look at things the same shows that the good guys in suits, fitted on the figure, the clock for 2-3 thousand dollars coming to the Lexus has a better chance of good order, than a geek T-shirt. And only after 5-7 years ahead of the start geeks, because they have almost no new cold yet, and those that are, are in his name, and on the recommendations. Honestly, I have had clients in a sweater over his naked body, canvas pants, rubber slippers cheap, with a cheap phone with broken glass, but the heads of the company with millions of dollars in turnover. The most pleasant, though arrogant customers, by the way.
product. Before you start selling, you must create a product that you offer the consumer. Nobody wants just a website. Nobody wants just a food for dogs. More specifically, the site as a service and food are needed as food, of course. But no one will buy them from you if there are no differences from traditional and trusted place to buy this product.
For example, you can have a great portfolio. You can have a good price - although at the cost to compete the last thing. You may make a site very quickly - somewhere in Tinkova slipped a reference to the guy who organized the pipeline of corporate sites for three weeks. Maybe you do some special sites - Internet-only stores, such as. Or you will not only make the site, but just take it progress on the budget - believe the old man, it is better to make a website for promoting yourself than to fix something that brought the client.
As to the store, then maybe you do not have the goods more expensive than in a store nearby, and delivery - during the day. Perhaps you have nyashki that there is only a shop on the outskirts where you go every three months. Perhaps you give as a gift for a small toy dog. You may not Bring only the product but also provides advice on animal nutrition.
Just the product or service - is slabokonkurentno. Need something to stand out. What? . Find a slot that has not mastered. In fact, everything comes down to a few words: faster, better, cheaper (or bonus). One can go to discuss the subtleties of marketing ploys, but as long as you do not have regular customers, all newcomers will go to the above three words or separately, or all together.
Example: once we have gathered a good harvest for the shares ' free site ' where the customer is a contract for the promotion of AF at 6 months of 6000 rubles a month. As a gift he has received site. Two months makes the site, four - moved. For the promotion of low cost funny. 50% of the customers of this action to extend the contract for promotion after the expiration of stock - we asked them to continue the contract already 3tys. per month.
Another example: selection of hotels. We sell hotel room. But often the client does not know what he wants. Managers help him pick up, suggest what kind of hotel closer to the place in which he must. At the same time we win a avtosistem reservation, although there are times when a customer goes to, after consultation avtosistemu, but we do not worry - those who stayed, he stayed with us for a long time. With regard to consultation on the sites and work with them, one of 2-3 potential clients after a consultation with me to make order. Not just because I'm so smart, just others do not.
The third example we take calls on weekends. Many legal entities are available on weekends? .
You can stand out and corporate style. Events can be carried out. Just happens that the product does not single out - he is, what is. And selling the exact same. Then the only way - to stand out in appearance.
The second equally important point in the product - its completeness. Product - it's not just the product or service. It is also logistics of its delivery to the client. What is the procedure clearer and more transparent, the more likely it is that you will order other things being equal. Moreover, it is often possible to do so at the expense of premium to the price. If an online store makes the delivery to the post and the second - to the door, we will order more in the second, if the price is not so different. But even if the first and delivers the mail this week, and the second - three, it will first select the most. If you do not clear how things will be delivered, then you lose and the first and second, even if you have the option to make a delivery to the door during the day, but not the fact, and maybe, if lucky, and many other reservations.
In reality, the product itself is a price list, quotation, order processing scheme, painted on the timing, bonuses and additional services. In fact, if your product is completed, when you died, and the product can be sold with other performers, if there is someone to continue the work. If everything is taken out of my head and on the fly, then you are now just a senior manager in his own company.
My quotations by Web Studio can be downloaded.
here. I do not use them for a long time, since the agents refused, but as an example of a product - they are very suitable.
Treaty. If you're officially, you will need to enter into contracts. Novice businessman 's best friend - a contract under which no one no one should be subject to the signing of acts of performed works.
these are.
templates. from the personal archive.
On the internet roaming dozens of examples of contracts for which the client is obliged to kiss his feet and thank the contractor that he picked up his order - for example, the contract Lebedev Studio. At the start, to sign such an agreement is possible only with an inexperienced customer does not read the contract. In other cases, you bend or additional items, or can not sign that no one owes nothing to.
Contract - the document is not reporting. This regulation of the relationship between the customer and the. He will not transmitted and is not included. The contract falls to a third party only in the case of judicial proceedings or where the tax request for verification of payment for a specific reason for the payment. This is me in the fact that the contract clearly necessary, but mostly you, so you do not bitterly regret the money collected for the order. T. e. if the contract is not concluded in time, it is not a reason to be depressed. Clarification of contractual relations - a relatively rare thing in a small business. Let's just say webstudio in the contract, I nodded for five years, six or seven times, no more. Trapped by a frank letter of the contract was 2-3 times. Approximately one third of orders or nothing is signed, or signed by backdating. I know that is not right at this point, but sometimes speed is more expensive formalities.
Search for orders. advertising. Great point. Let's try to raise as much as possible options to attract customers.
In preparing the plan to promote the company's market, and that's exactly how it should be called, and not just an advertising campaign, we must take into account features of both the business and target audience. It makes no sense to offer luxury car hire people on the bus. Even less sense to sell the jewelry through ads on poles.
Advertising on the Internet is also not devoid of the subtleties. Of course, the promotion of the site, or you can shape the context for the right keywords, but those visits can be a little ghostly. I cited in an article earlier that traffic from the search in Kaliningrad on the subject of the creation and promotion of sites is comparable to the traffic on my name and company name, and both of these articles do not guarantee my clients in sufficient quantity. But of course, to begin with and just go in search of growth in its key phrases, and context ( advords and direct ). If you are lucky with a niche, it will be enough, if not, then read more.
It is assumed that the site you already have. So now that you should consider that this site was to sell. Ironically, the beautiful sites often sell worse than ugly but informative. And in general, sell less beautiful because it is in effect a diversion. This is like advertising with the naked woman - attract attention, but the goods and the motivation to purchase is not connected. Interesting to look at a beautiful site, but it is hard to buy: most annoying scroll cap, the information traditionally loses graphic elements and focuses attention. This is my personal opinion, you can then argue with me in the comments. The design should be, but it should not interfere with really important information to take.
The site should contain:.
- Price information, do not be afraid to show their prices,.
- Reviews and portfolio,.
- Not just pictures and specifications of the goods, but also the description, perhaps the recommendations, reviews, videos,.
- Address, phone number, map, contact details - all the more the better, you need to inspire confidence.
Do not fear - lay out photos, a link to your blog, scans of articles about your company in the local press. The more information the better. More - not less.
Home - this is your shop window, do not do it page one article. Your home - your assistant in sales. Man must go, see and want to buy. Traditionally, the main render the best achievements, promotions, clues motivational.
Phone must be in the header, in Titley, and in the pan. The buyer should not see any display on your site without the contact information. You can add the service to ' call back ', Skype, ICQ, unless of course, are going to respond to messages.
Works well for a proposal to make an analysis or audit, test purchase. Another thing is that the freebies are usually poorly converted to orders. But try as there are no orders - a sweet deal.
Constantly experiment with your website. Many visitors, but few calls - you have something wrong. If the number of requests to the number of visitors is less than three per month - you do something wrong. If the calls are stupid and almost do not move at least for the meeting, much less orders - you do something wrong.
Something is wrong can be very different. For example, a case where there were some problems with a contact phone number - could not get through. There were cases when placed wrong contact information ( hidden in the contacts, and a link to contact the second level menu). There were cases when the exact same product from a competitor on the ruble was worth less. There were times when the network appeared negative feedback. Received a warning bell to the criteria mentioned above - look for the cause.
Continuing the theme of the Internet as a source of orders, we can not affect the performance of the local forum. Typical work with the forum is to communicate in their area. And the main consumer is not the one who argues with you or asks a man who reads this topic. 90% of all visitors to the forum - the readers, they are also potential customers. That should convince them that you are worthy of as a performer or vendor.
The basic scheme of ' intelligent adviser ': topic is sought, where the affected subjects and given your educated comment. Without reference to a. The reaction of consumers ' and who is there so smart ' and check the profile of.
Modification of the scheme ' an unexpected interruption ': give advice, but not completely or even to the end, but after the message is written ' who need the details, welcome to the PM '. The reaction of the consumer, as a rule, does not force yourself to wait.
Scheme ' third I ': requires a person with a reputation in the forum. It generates topic. For example, ' but on what engine is better to make this site? '. Then the crowd accumulates willing to answer. We look forward to 2.3 and then review their giving detailed advice. without advertising. without reference. Maximum ' sudden break '.
Surprisingly effective in the short term but may be banners on the regional and thematic portals. backfill with high attendance. ALWAYS ask for a portal access to the statistics. Stowing attendance guarantees high audience loyalty and appropriate response to advertising. For those who do not know what a bookmark - a permanent site visitors.
Search engine traffic is much less effective and need to look at the returns in the test for 50-100 thousand hits. If there are calls, not just traffic, it can continue to work. Most often in such sites, even when they are actually high attendance call - orders are very small and the price to attract a customer can be very high.
As for the price to attract. , Then it is the most expensive banner ads. Price of one call can be 100-200 rubles, which is often unacceptable. Cost per visitor on average - from 3 to 15 rubles, which is also quite expensive. In the second context, the third - the cheapest option - involving a search. Price visitor to search for competent work with provizheniem site can reach 30 cents, and the cost of attracting customers - 3-10 rubles. Although, of course, an average of one customer from the Internet is from 30 to 200 rubles in the retail niche, and 10 times higher - in working with legal entities. For example, today I choose to advordse about three thousand rubles a month to campaign for webstudio that gives me one to two new clients. On average, a customer brings from 10 to 100 thousand rubles a year clean, so that the price of 1,500-3,000 rubles per attraction seems to me quite reasonable.
Of course, you can not set aside.
social networks. But in my opinion, while for the b2b sector to work with social networks is almost meaningless. By individuals with social networks show a good. Although there have the skills to make, which I do not. So I advise to look for other sources of information on advertising in social networks, and is simply put a tick that social networks would also be nice to catch. In defense of social networks, I can say that the first effect of these small, but as the formation of community, he is greatly enhanced, and at some point starts to work like a vacuum cleaner, itself involving new customers to communicate with you as part of the social network. Another thing is how to build a community. I can imagine people who are discussing the wedding photos, but not metal doors.
The cheapest advertising is considered among the hardened television advertisers. However, as no less inveterate advertiser can say that at the start of such advertising should discard. For small budgets television advertising, advertising in the media and any other off-line - blank flow of money. Small budget - it is up to 200-300 thousand. per month. Do, and others spent their money, know. A short burst of interest, then silence. Clearly shows a billboard advertisements, but not on the outskirts and in the center. Good shot image articles in the local business press, or getting into the thematic programs - it does not add orders, but your image will begin to grow. An increase in weight or mediavesa own company - it is always a relief to the load on the advertising budget.
Do not leave aside the possibility to show off in front of the target audience. : Workshops in Gaza b2b - a bonanza for attracting potential customers, especially if you - Rapporteur. Accordingly, if the non-targeted audience, there is no sense from your participation in the conference or seminar will not be. Your report on the seminar sites manicure not be impressed, but will surprise. Always evaluate the potential benefits of your appearance on a particular event. The higher your personal and professional image to colleagues and potential customers, the less you need to spend money on advertising, the more loyal purchasers of goods and services. Do not deny the possibility of an interview, go to the seminar, light up at a conference or telecast. You need to know. Even if you have nothing to say. Say what you think and how to know how. Plays only one who is silent, all the talking heads always win. Unless, of course, to look at it in terms of potential orders. During the three years of my public activities the cost of products of my work has grown three times, t. e. work more than I was, but to earn more - has become. Now we perform a similar trick in the face of my wife with a travel agency.
We shall not be considered.
exotic ways to attract. : Ads on poles, flyers on the street, promoters, etc.. It works, but to say exactly when the work, and when - no need to write the text on this subject only three times longer than that. Exotics in general should recline at the start as a waste of money. I have spent many thousands of rubles for the various handouts and advertising like a shield in the office center. Hundreds of advertising campaigns are constantly raping my brain, trying to convince me that their vehicle will explode my sales. But! . But money is not a novice businessman. So exotic swings. Immediately and unconditionally.
It is necessary to know in advance that the very first call to your phone will make advertisers. When I opened the rental, the first two months of customer calls by half less than the representatives of various advertising campaigns. The best answer is ' advertising budget is selected before the end of the year, call back in February '. This immediately cease all further persuasion. I myself have trained sales agents and I know the algorithms for their work. Lack of money - is still a factor. Failure to cooperate - it is an occasion to insist on meeting customer and finish. Show the advertisers that you do not have money for them.
Certainly, every happy deceive. But do not believe any wording advertisers. NEVER! . The test is very simple - the breadth of potential audience. 95% of the advertising media is not able to provide coverage of more than 5%. A 5 % we are not satisfied. So that ' the budget is selected, call back in February '.
And here we gradually move on to the work of the agency. Of course, agents are only needed when you are working in b2b. Agent - a person who takes the job of personal contact with potential customers. The ideal agent - a person who is able to not only understand what he is selling, but also to find the key to every customer. Customers - always different. So you have to constantly look exactly the response that they need, when you do not know even a question, and must write it on the go.
Agents are usually recruited from among the unemployed who do not have a chance to find a desk job. A good agent typically has an adventurous turn of mind, easy-going, but it has some limitations that prevent him from having his own business, or an interesting job. The best agents in my practice - it is mummy who was imprisoned after the decree, and rogue - men who have money do not hold, because we always go to some kind of fantasy or Megaplan. Very nice work agents, persons who are not official shines a good job, and wash the floors they do not want. So yes, in general, the agent - a marginal profession. The average life of the agent - is 2-3 years, most beginners can not stand, and two months. Agent or a full-grown skovyrnut or entice from another company, he is very conservative. It is easier to learn a.
There are not only agents, are masters of sales. All the people I met in this category - young people between 22 and 25 years old, suit, car, briefcase. They are really cool. And you can buy them. This is usually a conscious choice of a profession, a good preparation, knowledge of the theory. If you are lucky enough to meet this - just buy it. Only make sure that does not come as a joke, where ' he was so good agent that he sold all the goods the company, then property of the company, then the firm and directors '.
I've always preferred to teach the agent himself from the ground up. my.
Manuals. But there is another method of finding customers, works well in depressed regions, or of young people: 20-30 people recruited, all planted at the rate and on the phone and in the field. Who survived and brought enough orders to stay, he remains. In any case, agents do not particularly feel sorry for - it's cannon fodder sales, even if they do not take offense.
The basic algorithm. Hire 10 agents in the first thread. All planting techniques to the study. Further, they provide three phone calls to. Together with them, write an algorithm for the passage of the Secretary and to communicate with the client ( read my Manuals ). Then take a city directory and distribute pages from it by the numbers or letters to agents. all. begin calls. Usually, the first meeting shall appoint in the first two days. There are planning your personal schedule, and we go along to meetings with agents. Let your example, a person learns to respond to customer questions. In the future, an agent drove himself. A month later, left 1-2 people. We reach more people to ten, and so, until a permanent core. Then you can stop searching for agents.
Payment Plan Agent. The most common today: a small percentage of the salary. On average, an agent can bring the 3.2 site in a month. Hence, it must make on this 10-15 thousand rubles, so as not to run away from you. So much for the estimation of the percentage of pay. 5.6 will bring orders - he will be 20 30tysyach. If we are talking about sites, orient the agent for orders to advance. Sooner or later, the agent will take, and the client will remain as its subscription fee.
The scheme of separation of client from an agent. One of the biggest dangers is diverting client. It is clear that all customers will not love, but with key customers should be sure to meet in person at the level of top management. It looks very simple: call the customer and stupidly make an appointment. As a rule, by the time work on the order between the customer and the trust is established. And this is where you spend one or more meetings without an agent. Result: the contractual relationship between you stronger, if secured by personal. While the agent is for them to impersonate any company, which makes it a site until you are vulnerable to his agent, which can easily lead a client to another company. Personally, I'm so able to save three important contract, when I left the master agent. Moreover, it failed to continue to persuade them to cooperate, and we were discussing among themselves how it frantic in trying to breed them in order.
At the finish with the agents, although the subject of endless. And let's sum up the general heads:.
- Only on the orientation of the Internet is wrong, the Internet allows a small number of customers.
- To work on his own image and the image of the company as part of its territory - it reduces the costs of advertising.
- Advertising in the media with little waste of budget money better spent on more direct.
- Advertising exotic ways on single carrier does not make sense for a beginner.
- Agents do not last forever. They are difficult to keep.
- Highly qualified agents find it very difficult to.
- Conveying the work of agents with total control gives the best result, although a slight exhaust for each agent separately.
The algorithm works with the client. Customer - individual. Accept it as fact. You can treat it as a purse, but then each client will have to end after the first order. I prefer to treat customers like a whimsical children who do not know what they want. Hence the constant lisping, and attempts to do more, and bonuses for the future, and much more, that more children would come, but perfectly placed on my relationship with clients. However, this lyric.
The first step. customer search. The first customers are there, usually from friends. It's cheap clients. But they may also work on your technique. Most of my clients first in something, and had no idea what I understand in the task a bit more than they. But I was stubborn, patient and hardworking.
However, in addition to customer from friends and clients come from agents, clients of advertising. All clients are the same in that they are at something, even if vague, but the concrete as a whole - the site, such as. Or to find this site in the first place in the search for a phrase. T. e. a product, which intersects with the properties of your product.
Actually it looks. Customer calls: no matter, he wants to buy a bag of feed or site, and sets a series of questions to be answered. Do not be upset that you said something wrong. After the bell analyze the conversation. The only important point - what it is over. Have you left no chance for further contact between you. If you have not finished the phrase ' when you call back ' or ' for more advice us to better meet when you are comfortable ', it is considered that the conversation failed. 9 out of 10 did not call back. To fill the call or meeting. This recipe for success. Do not be afraid to seem intrusive, especially if the client himself called. Better to be obsessive and get an order than not to be and not get. Proud place in the business do not.
As far as the online store, 90% in runet goes through the phone. Sometimes, and 98 %. That's the way the Russian mentality, that we should see or even hear the seller. Buyer, who got to you, you are not so many - to get the confidence that the storefront is a real people. But this belief can be added consultation on selected goods, to refocus on other goods, to help with the problem, not directly related to goods. The consumer will be grateful. Checked. Be open and do not be afraid to give more if you have time for this. When will the 120 calls a day, will not be up to consultation.
step two. warming. meeting. With an online store all clear if the client guessed at the first step, then the second will have an order. But with more complex entities. After the first call should be second, third and so on. The more you are dependent on the presence of customers, the more often you will call each. The essence of all these calls - lasting contact, confidence, what it is you the one singer who can solve their problem.
Of course, there are clients who take the decision outright, like a sausage bought, but they are a minority. Most of the calls after that they are interested in, try to arrange a meeting. Russian client likes to face. Moscow - is less problematic in this regard, but to avoid a meeting with regional clients, even if he only meditates on the order can not be. Now I go often, two or three times a month, but there were months when I almost went somewhere every day, or went to my.
Sample conversation:.
-. it is like this and now this is the.
- I wonder! .
- Oh! .
- Excellent!.
- When? .
- I can only, from 9 am to 10 am the day after tomorrow.
- Good! .
- See you there!.
- See you there!.
If the chain of communication is typical scheme consists of a primary contact, cold -formed bell or call for advertising, then you spend counseling conversation and reduces it to a meeting. At first, always keen to meet. Over time you learn to distinguish between empty and the customer call from the real. I will not hide - sometimes I Hamli. Because I know that nothing will come of it, even if it is to shove the money - I did not take much in fear of hemorrhoids. But I have the experience, built on personal mistakes, and you have your errors is yet to come: form a meeting and walk to everything. The experience is priceless any.
See you soon! . Most novice businessmen somehow believe that the customer something to them to. But all of this out of poverty in Russia, the service sector. Everything has changed and do not think that I am a supporter of the old school. The old school in general believed that customers should kiss their feet for their service and give thanks that is not thrown. I am a supporter of the European Schools ' to the detriment of themselves, for the benefit of the customer '. I am confident and I believe that these values remain a supporter of the client, even in the worst conditions in the market. But without constant contact with the client can not maintain this kind of work.
How to conduct a meeting. On this subject, written in the book, and I umeschu all in a paragraph: any communication with the customer should end with something. For example, the appointment of the next meeting. Or promise to sign a contract, or billing. If the meeting was over nothing if you're out the door and did not understand what came, the meeting failed. Do not hesitate to finish in any context, the meeting itself with the words: 'so that we decide? '.
I have full episodes, when a customer talking about their diseases, bad government, customers, Kidal, contractors, slacker, but after clarification of what we have gathered here, sign a contract or an invoice requested. is. Customers are people too and they love to talk. And no one. Listen to him - to show respect. But to achieve its goal - it is a principle. Otherwise, nothing came.
With regard to the context of the meeting itself, I usually start it myself and saying, ' Tell me how this came to life! '. And the smile. People are beginning to relax and do what they could to try to explain your problem. And then I give my advice and we are quietly drawn into a useless or a constructive dialogue on the topic but.
Two of the three meetings have no practical meaning. I know that most techies is annoying. But yes, there is. Most of the meetings did not bear any meaning at all - any constructive thoughts degenerate into a discussion of minor details. For example, the discussion of what should be the site you are quietly slipping into a discussion about the size of icons on the link in the menu. Or the number of menu items, for which cause subordinates, pouring gallons of coffee. Apotheosis - this is when going to a working group of ten non-professionals who will try to explain how you make a website based on their experience with the sites on the People of Yandex. It was. passed. Patience and only patience. The main thing - the result of the meeting!.
Sometimes you may be afraid to offer a price break or even a potential customer and ask about the contract. Do not be afraid. Most often, the client simply forgot about it, he finds himself in a relationship with you. Most often this happens with big companies, because they solve organizational issues subordinate to the second tier, not getting to meet. And since someone brought to the director, he believes that you have already - in the relationship. A reminder that this is not so likely to cause movement of the second echelon subordinates, and you get the desired contract.
It happens that I have heard that I should kiss his feet for the opportunity to simply talk to them as a potential customer. Just stand up, turn around and go. Despite all the money in the potential. Such a customer is often generous and solvency, and not particularly fastidious, but this is not a lordly attitude change. Each time you will be good-natured pat on the shoulder and say ' well done Vasek, let's try, even more money you will have '. You - an equal partner, not the slave. And this is a good difference. Although, of course, you can have your view on this issue.
How do you know that you have a good meeting? . Or just learned to find his client.
Kratenko about ' their ' clients. Each agent is ' a ' client. I had an agent - a semi-literate boy 19 years old, who stuttered and spoke in language patsanskom. Laughed at all the other agents. But it was he who brought the first order, that he began to bring them more than any other. Another thing is that all of his clients had the same ' potsony ' with raspaltsovkoy. One of them just had to throw out of office because he sat next to the designer, put his arm around his shoulders and began to run down that he does not understand how to do, on a purely konkrentnom language. So - you also have ' their ' clients. You still do not know it, and they already have. The ability to find cost savings in advertising and at the time of contracting. Maybe you should stop, think and give up most of the planned advertising to focus on finding ' their ' clients'? .
step Three. conclusion of a contract. From the side it seems that the contract is as a TV buy in the store. But this is not so. Conclusion of the contract goes through the traditional formulations utryasyvaniya. First you push its form, the client or his lawyers are entered your items. You check them through their lawyer or their intuition and send back.
Perepihivaniya process can take several weeks. My record was two months because there was only a remote client a lawyer who came to see him once a week. In the end, nothing happened.
Until a contract is signed, you can not do anything. Nothing is impossible to do if you're not sure on the client, and he has not made an advance payment. It is clear that it is not supported by the contract payment is negligible and can be claimed back, but in reality no one demands payment back if you are performing your obligations - hemorrhoids with arbitration is not worth it.
At the same time, I often break this rule. For example, the design we draw most of all - before signing the contract. And this is our feature. We, therefore, do something for a client before the formalization of relations, underlining his status for us. I can not say that this is good advice, but I like, I worked for several years and only two or three cases, the client did not enter into a contract. But I'm saving hard on the design - we have only one option, ahead of this indicator all the studios in the region, at the same time reducing the development time up to 3-4 weeks from the date of prepayment.
Contract - your protection from the client and his obligation to pay money, but I still do not do anything until you see the money in your account. I practice an advance payment of 30 to 50%. And I try never to take 100% - it is too relaxed.
It is best to start with 30%. Another thing is that the deposit should completely cover your cost to build the product, and serve as a post-pay bonus. If you take less - you run the risk. I'm taking now basically 50%. So it's quieter and not so much relaxing to postpone work on back burner. Promotion is always 100% next month. Prepayment must be sure that you have your security, if the client disappears.
step Four. Work on the project. Everything is simple. You do your thing. Everyone here his cunning and Algorithms. But! . Contact with the client. Once a week, at least. The client gave the money, he does not know who you are, you, he is worried. Intelligent support for communication and confidence in him you will only benefit. Especially if the results are not as good as planned.
In large companies can engage in dialogue only to predpoplatoy and delivery of results. In a small business plays an important role is how closely you keep in touch with clients. No need to travel with him on a fishing trip or going to the sauna, but keep it informed of the current work is highly desirable, even if the results are no special.
I practice version of the small pleasures: there is visibility of the project - super, you can throw a message in the mail. What came out phrases - super! .
This behavior can be projected on retail, telling users about the current situation at the point of sale. Or the construction of. This is not only a webcam, but simply content feed. The consumer should be aware of - it increases his loyalty. Communicate with people and you will be happy.
step Five. Home delivery of the project. Pass the project - always a problem. The client finds the sea of problems that need to be immediately eliminated. In the morning resolves that all of this extra.
Almost always, the result will not match the technical requirements. You can read hundreds of books that need to adhere to the latest TK. But they will not take into account the fact that TK is usually far from reality. And then someone will still have to redo the project. But personally, I would be uncomfortable if I pass some raw. Frankly, sometimes renting, and I hate. You must try to avoid it, but here we must have to deviate from the terms of reference and do something more for your money. How to do here - I would not advise. I often am looking for a compromise. But then it is necessary to lay the possibility of additional costs in the initial price.
At the same time, we must constantly set point. Experience shows that having A customer always wants B to B, even if the speech was not. Then we have to firmly say that I was talking only about a. Another thing is that if, instead of a need in the. Here we have to stop and calculate their cost of re-orientation of the order from A to B. But to do both A and B - it is already too. We must put the customer in the place.
- Peter, but let's add another mold here!.
- Bob! . 1 and 2. 2 on the technical task and begin to discuss the possibility of installing an additional coin molds.
Nothing offensive there is no. It is clear that the cost of mold will be chaff, but the principle is important. Most of all, I agree to put mold, if after it will not be another two dozen molds. As a result, over the past two years, once the client was to sit tight on my neck.
Important! . When the project was put on each item, you can take it all.
step Six. delivery. The customer is always not like this move. He is waiting for a trick, because then he will pay money and no one will remember about him. It will by all means to delay the completion of the contract, looking for new observations made in the work.
Completing a better method of meeting. They met, made a list, here most of his canceled due to go beyond the TK. The next day they came back and showed that more than nothing to find fault. Of course, there are new comments. But we ignore them, if it's really not your jamb. It is impossible to improve indefinitely. It is necessary sometimes to finish work.
The work ends with the signing of the act of work performed. After that, the contract is completed. The act is a reporting document, save it and upload accountant. The act is the reason for the invoice to the second part of the payment or requirement to pay the full bill. In the case of non- signed act is a sufficient reason to reclaim the money under the contract for the work performed by.
Of course, and after the date we are always something to finish and help the client, but it is rather the principles of the company, rather than contractual obligations.
step Seven. Untitled. 7 out of 10 clients on your services are not needed. But you still need to offer everything you can to all 10 customers, which you brought to the end of one contract. The calculation is not only to re- order, but the fact that they are detained in the memory range of your services. And if they liked the quality of your services, they will remember it in a conversation with a colleague and send it to you.
I prefer the final oral interview. But many give some razdatku. I look at it pessimistically. Hard to imagine that your former client will be to hang on his meetings with your razdatkoy. They were even too lazy to hang your calendar - you never knew Nájera print them in such abysmal numbers, I once gave six calendar - I have so many walls in the apartment was not, and who I see.
So it is better to spend an hour for a conversation after the order when a customer in good-natured humor and deploy them to a fan of additional features. Suppose he does not use himself, but he remembers, as opposed to your booklet, you will throw on the table, he ran for a minute to give the act.
Business Planning. budgeting. Wondering how late we got to this point? . Because now you have them engaged and on the agenda for your survival.
Balance sheet is no different from an ordinary family budget or a person: how much- earned, spent so much and we should try to ensure that expenditures do not exceed earnings. However, there is a problem - you do not know how much you earn in the next month.
Without going into the theory, it is necessary to seek a permanent source of income. To develop such a site could be the promotion of sites and hosting. For online stores such sources may be the correct choice of customers with a given conversion. In fact, if I know that 70 visitors from search I guarantee a reservation, I'll try to find a 3500 visitors a month to get 50 orders. And if the conversion will begin to grow, we will search for the objective reasons for this and fix, for example, begin to take calls on weekends.
In the case of promotion of sites, we get a regular flow of money into the treasury of the company that guarantees us a fixed minimum income per month - hard to imagine that all clients fall off in one month.
I work with different clients, but never lay the plans for a long period the client if it is considerably higher than the average budget for the company. If I'm going to take the employee under such a client, the transaction, not the staff.
One time I was practicing sites in installments for six months. And in general, more turns, and the client is not napryazhno, and I get a fixed amount of a long period of time. 3-4 such clients are able to completely cover a few items in the budget, you just try to get the number of such customers has remained stable, but when printed on a customer order on the average for 2 months, I can plan it in advance.
Large project - this is good and useful, but it should not interfere with work on other. Large projects have come and gone, and your little form stability, as the company. So I 'm quite sober at the numbers in the hundreds of thousands of rubles - they will not solve my problems, but it will be a nice bonus to the bread with butter and eggs, which I already have. In any case, planning large-scale projects are not - they simply can not be planned. Of course, the day will come when all the projects would be great, but then they will have superlarge projects that just have to be excluded from plans.
Speaking of plans, I say:.
- The balancing of income in the off-season to avoid problems with the expenditure side.
- Hiring new employees.
- To expand its capabilities as a company, the new means of production.
- Advertising campaign.
- Considerable personal spending.
My planning horizon of about 2-3 years now. Next to the Russian plan is unrealistic. I've got giperplany 10-15 years, but they have the character of gross strokes. And plans are traced, which is also constantly adjusted - 2-3 years. More or less the exact plans, I build on the 3-4 months.
Plan should always. And as far as possible to do this once at least a year ahead. Year - a basic cycle for almost any business. Exactly one year later you can compare your achievements, as compared January to July is difficult, and in January with January a year later - is an objective, you will see the rise and fall.
stagnation. It happens that the company is not growing. Orders will no longer be. Enthusiasm falls, workers flee. It's a shame. And the money already invested Nemerow.
I changed the profile two times. I started as a printing press, then became a multi- agency advertising, and now - just webstudio. When I felt that the business starts to slip away from me, I started something new with its roots in the old. My first clients in multi- service clients have come from the print. My first client came to the sites of my clients on advertising. My first customers were on promotion, those who ordered my sites.
Not giving up the old, begin to deal with new.
Sometimes it is necessary to try to do something radically new. There is nothing I can not advise, do not try, I do not know. Do not know how to throw what he has created, and it is very difficult parting, even with unsuccessful projects.
In fact, in the business enough to not listen to anyone's advice more. In business, everyone has their own style. And each style has a right to succeed. For example, I do not know how hard to manage. I learned how to do it remotely. I do not like to sell actively, I learned how to do it passively through counseling and improving personal image in a professional environment. I have hundreds of examples of how very different people have built their business and made it a success: good ideas, common ideas, bad equipment, certified factory and so on. A Chance to have any.
mission. Here I have to write many words about how cool to be an entrepreneur. What a great misssiya is an entrepreneur - to make a difference. This is probably because. But I went into business, because I did not want me directed. I simply did not like. I did not like to go to work from 9 to 18. I kill what I'm tied to a fixed amount of earnings, while I played the orders in the amount of twenty to thirty times more. I did not like the fact that I have a blunt head of an alcoholic. But instead of whining and complaining, I tore the ass from the chair, sold his apartment and did a business that pissed away in six months. Then I started from scratch and within three months of paid off debts. And two years later, I looked out the window on the fourth floor in his office and thought - to throw or not, it was then sucks - Circle in debt. But I overcame it, and. And when I got a stable growth, then I collapsed family life and my world was split in half, had to learn how to earn twice as much - that's when I came into what is called SEO, that's when the first lines were written in this blog.
But I have overcome the crisis. Today I was again married, have my webstudio addition, there are two joint Business: travel agency and rental, which are developing well. I stopped trying, I began to KNOW. And I never regretted my choice to do business, although for many years my personal income does not exceed just a good salary in the city.
When I say that I am a slave of himself, that work hard for 12-14 hours, then I look at them and smile. Because I know what I'm doing and where I go. And they plan their lives, but do not know anything about what their employer KNOWS. I do not know for whom, and for my freedom - the ability to KNOW. And no one will ever know about the future better than the one who determines your future self. Perhaps, I can not influence the processes in the country as a whole, but I'm totally responsible for their actions not only to the customer, but also to himself. And that makes me nice and warm inside. I feel comfortable. I am an entrepreneur. I am the master.
from the author. Thank you for what you have enough strength to this article, leave a comment for it - I will be pleased to hear from you.
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masterxbablorub @ gmail. com. Because here I answer them I will not.